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Taking it to the Next Level: EWOT Training

Taking it to the Next Level: EWOT Training

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) is a cutting-edge training technique that has gained popularity among athletes seeking to boost their performance and endurance levels. This innovative approach involves exercising while inhaling higher levels of oxygen, which can lead to a range of benefits for athletes. From improved stamina and recovery to increased overall athletic capacity, this should be in every competitive athlete’s toolbox. In this article, we will explore the concept of EWOT training for sports and delve into its potential advantages for athletes. 

Understanding EWOT Training

EWOT training involves the monitored administration of 93% oxygen during exercise sessions. The typical setup includes an oxygen source, such as an oxygen concentrator, connected to a mask worn by the athlete. The individual then performs a 15-minute interval routine on either a treadmill, elliptical machine, or assault bike, while inhaling the oxygen-rich air. These types of exercise modalities are preferred due to a greater demand on the cardiorespiratory system; more muscles used the greater demand for oxygen.

The Science behind EWOT Training

The underlying principle of EWOT training lies in the belief that by providing the body with increased oxygen levels during physical activity, athletes can optimize the efficiency of energy production. During exercise, the body’s demand for oxygen rises, as more energy is required. By supplementing with higher oxygen levels, athletes can potentially delay the onset of fatigue and improve endurance, thereby pushing their physical limits further.

Above: Professional MMA fighter, Tyler Ray, practicing EWOT Training at Boca Cryo in Boca Raton. Photo: Boca Cryo.

Benefits of EWOT Training for Sport

Enhanced Endurance - By delivering elevated oxygen levels to the muscles, EWOT training aids in reducing lactic acid buildup, which is a common contributor to fatigue. This results in improved endurance and the ability to sustain physical effort for longer durations.

Faster Recovery - The additional oxygen during training can aid in post-exercise recovery by facilitating the removal of metabolic waste products and enhancing tissue repair. This can help athletes bounce back faster from intense training sessions and competitions.

Increased Oxygen Uptake - EWOT training is believed to stimulate increased oxygen uptake by the lungs and transportation to the bloodstream. As a result, the body can efficiently deliver oxygen to muscles and organs, potentially improving overall performance.

Mental Focus - Optimal oxygen levels are essential not only for physical performance but also for mental acuity. The increased oxygen supply during EWOT training may enhance cognitive function and focus, helping athletes maintain concentration during critical moments in sports.

Adaptation and Overload - EWOT can be used as a form of training overload, pushing the body to adapt and improve its oxygen utilization capacity. This type of training variation can be beneficial for breaking plateaus and improving athletic performance.

Safety Considerations

While EWOT training holds promising benefits, it is essential to approach it with caution and proper guidance. Oxygen supplementation should be administered carefully, as excessive levels can be harmful. Athletes should undergo a thorough assessment and consult with qualified healthcare professionals before incorporating EWOT into their training regimen.


Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) training has emerged as an intriguing method to enhance athletic performance. By capitalizing on the relationship between oxygen and physical performance, athletes can potentially unlock new levels of endurance, recovery, and overall fitness. However, responsible implementation, qualified supervision, and individualized planning are vital to ensuring the safe and effective integration of EWOT training into an athlete’s routine. As research and understanding in this area continue to evolve, the future of EWOT training in sports appears bright, offering athletes new opportunities to take their game to the next level.


Ian Pyka was a two-sport collegiate athlete and three time All-American who made the Olympic team. Pyka went on to become the strength and conditioning coach at the Florida Panthers and New England Patriots. Pyka currently teaches at FAU’s Exercise Science Department and owns Boca Cryo (located at 1200 Yamato Rd. in Boca Raton) which recently added EWOT training to their portfolio of services. Visit to learn more.

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