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Scenes from PTR International Racquets Conference at Saddlebrook [Part 2]

Scenes from PTR International Racquets Conference at Saddlebrook [Part 2]

Saddelbrook Resort is hosting racquet sports enthusiasts from all over the world at the PTR International Racquets Conference. The PTR's list of speakers is top-notch. Yesterday proved to be educational, enlightening, and fun. In the morning, we got a chance to visit the trade show and meet key players in the racquet sports space.

After lunch, we dove deeper into the trade show and met some fascinating individuals. So who did we connect with in the afternoon? Check out the gallery (and captions at bottom) for an overview...

From top to bottom: Julia at Veloz USA, Oscar Miranda and Thomas Anderson at USP, Dennis Klein at United Sports, Matthew Geer at Selkirk, John Carpenter author of Modern Tennis Instruction, Ben Porter at Master Athletics, Brandy Gentry at Lobster Sports, Jeff Ellis, Carrie Cimino, Kay Barney at Head Penn Racquet Sports, Jill Davis and Ashley Owens at Court ReserveJuan and Rene at Play by Point, and yep... that's me trying out the groovy-looking Awakened Mind Headset!


Written by Florida Tennis' Executive Editor and Publisher Matt Pressman

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