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USTA strengthens commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion

USTA strengthens commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion

The USTA is creating new and expanded partnerships with three leading LGBTQ+ organizations in its commitment to make tennis more diverse and inclusive: The Trevor Project, You Can Play and Athlete Ally.

These organizations join the USTA’s established list of key partners that serve the LGBTQ+ community and support its ongoing work to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all LGBTQ+ players, coaches, fans, staff, and volunteers in tennis.

The USTA will work with these organizations to develop and implement programs and initiatives that promote LGBTQ+ inclusion and amplify the power of sport as a force for good as it's committed to year-round engagement, including hosted events, sponsorship opportunities, education and training, increased spending with LGBTQ+-owned businesses and suppliers and employee engagement.

“Tennis is truly a sport that is open to all, and we are proud to work hand-in-hand with these mission-driven organizations to increase representation and engagement among LGBTQ+ staff, volunteers, and players of all levels,” USTA Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Marisa Grimes said. “We are grateful to all of our strategic partners as they continue to support us in connecting with the diverse communities we’re trying to engage through tennis.”

This commitment extends into the US Open with the fourth annual Open Pride celebration which will take place during the 2024 US Open with the goal to spread a message of inclusion and elevate diverse LGBTQ+ voices both inside and outside of tennis.


Source: USTA. Photo: Jeff Dean / USTA.

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